Everything you always wanted to know about our services
How does the first visit work?
Since we’re meeting for the first time, there is a bit of paperwork to do before the first visit, but don't worry, just arrive 15 minutes early-- it won't take any longer to fill out the health forms. The treatment itself takes about one hour and involves a thorough examination of your teeth and gums. Your teeth will be stained with a special solution that will show us which areas haven‘t been sufficiently cleaned. The hygienist will then remove plaque and tartar, apply restorative products, and end by chatting with you about which tools you should use and how you should use them. Then you‘ll just make an appointment for your next visit. -
How often should I see the dental hygienist?
If you don't have any serious complications such as periodontal disease or inflammation of the gums, it's ideal to come in for a dental hygiene appointment twice a year. If you have gum disease, parodontium, or braces, we recommend seeing a dental hygienist every three months. -
What does dental hygiene entail?
The dental hygienist will learn about your medical history and perform a thorough examination of your teeth and gums. This is followed by the application of a special solution which shows areas that haven’t been sufficiently cleaned. The hygienist will then remove plaque and tartar, apply restorative products, and end by chatting with you about which tools you should use and how you should use them. Then you‘ll just make an appointment for your next visit. -
Is dental hygiene suitable for children and adolescents?
Yes, dental hygiene can be performed on children from approximately five years of age—even earlier for children who are cooperative. The earlier children start seeing a dental hygienist, the fewer dental problems they’ll have in the future. -
Does the procedure hurt?
Don‘t worry, at our clinic we use cutting-edge technologies that guarantee your time with the dental hygienist will be painless. -
What is AIRFLOW teeth sandblasting?
Teeth sandblasting is used to remove plaque and pigmentation from the teeth. At Miles, we use the latest AIRFLOW technology and powders from the Swiss company EMS, which are very gentle on teeth, soft tissues, and mucous membranes. This enables us to sandblast implants, crowns, braces, and the areas under the gums. -
Should I bring my own teeth cleaning accessories?
Yes: this will help the hygienist better ascertain if they are suitable for you. The hygienist can tell if you are using them correctly by their wear and tear, and will help you adjust your cleaning habits as needed. If you forget your accessories, you can buy them at the clinic. Proper brushing technique is the most important part of dental hygiene, and demonstrating on a model doesn’t do the trick.
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